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LIFG's Big Ideas 2025 Is Available Now!
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Next Generation Internet

Seeks to provide exposure to artificial intelligence, deep learning, big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and blockchain technology. These innovations are changing the way the world manages information, analyzes data, purchases and consumes goods, and communicates across the globe.

next generation internet strategy, invest in artificial intelligence, internet innovation, technology strategy, LIFG Invest

Investment Focus

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Digital Media

Digital Media



Mobile Payments

Mobile Payments

Autonomous Technology

Autonomous Technology


  • Type: Active Equity
  • Typical # of Holdings: 35-50
  • Inception: Sept. 2014
  • Portfolio Manager: Thorian Chen
  • Analysts: Alfie Mahmud


This actively managed equity strategy seeks long-term capital growth by investing in the US listed securities, including ADRs, of companies focused on next generation internet. Companies within this strategy aim to capture the substantial benefits of new products and services associated with scientific research and technological break-throughs in internet-based products and services, new payment methods, blockchain technology, big data, the internet of things, mobile, social and streaming media.


StrategyETFManaged Account
LIFG Next Generation Internet

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Strategy Characteristics


Actively managed, high conviction portfolio


Cross sector, geographies, and market capitalizations


BenchmLIFG agnostic with low overlap to broad market indicies


Research process driven by LIFG’s Open Research Ecosystem

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