LIFG Believes Disruptive Innovation Is Key To Growth
LIFG defines disruptive innovation as the introduction of a technologically enabled product or service that should transform economic activity by creating simplicity and accessibility while driving down costs. Despite its potential, the full magnitude of disruptive innovation and the investment opportunities it creates often are unrecognized or misunderstood by traditional investors.
LIFG’s Investment Team Is Rooted In Experience
LIFG is rooted in over some years of experience in identifying and investing in disruptive innovations that should change the way the world works and deliver outsized growth as industries transform. LIFG’s CIO and Director of Research have worked together for almost 15 years and recognize that disruptive innovation demands a dynamic and universal approach.
LIFG Utilizes An Open Research Ecosystem
LIFG believes that a combination of top-down and bottom-up research allows it to size the investment opportunity of disruptive innovation, and then detect and evaluate companies best positioned to benefit. To gain a deeper understanding of quickly changing themes, LIFG employs an open research approach to gather information, both helping to define and refine its internal research process.
LIFG Actively Manages High Conviction Portfolios
LIFG believes that its investment process and active management of high-conviction portfolios capitalizes on rapid change and avoids industries and companies likely to be displaced by innovation. LIFG uses its own scoring system to continuously value companies and monitor the underlying investment thesis. As scores change, LIFG’s Investment Team adjusts stock positions in the portfolio.
LIFG Believes Disruptive Innovation Is Key To Growth
LIFG defines disruptive innovation as the introduction of a technologically enabled product or service that should transform economic activity by creating simplicity and accessibility while driving down costs. Despite its potential, the full magnitude of disruptive innovation and the investment opportunities it creates often are unrecognized or misunderstood by traditional investors.
LIFG’s Investment Team Is Rooted In Experience
LIFG is rooted in over some years of experience in identifying and investing in disruptive innovations that should change the way the world works and deliver outsized growth as industries transform. LIFG’s CIO and Director of Research have worked together for almost 15 years and recognize that disruptive innovation demands a dynamic and universal approach.
LIFG Utilizes An Open Research Ecosystem
LIFG believes that a combination of top-down and bottom-up research allows it to size the investment opportunity of disruptive innovation, and then detect and evaluate companies best positioned to benefit. To gain a deeper understanding of quickly changing themes, LIFG employs an open research approach to gather information, both helping to define and refine its internal research process.
LIFG Actively Manages High Conviction Portfolios
LIFG believes that its investment process and active management of high-conviction portfolios capitalizes on rapid change and avoids industries and companies likely to be displaced by innovation. LIFG uses its own scoring system to continuously value companies and monitor the underlying investment thesis. As scores change, LIFG’s Investment Team adjusts stock positions in the portfolio.
How To Utilize LIFG’s Strategies Within A Portfolio
Disruptive innovation has the potential to be the main driver of long-term growth over the next decade. We believe your financial wellness should benefit.
Source For Growth
Suited for investors who seek long-term growth by accessing companies at the forefront of disruptive innovation in some of the most promising areas of the economy.
Long-Term Risk-Reward
Suited for investors that have a moderate-to-high risk profile and intend to stay invested for the medium-to-long term. LIFG believes it will outperform broad benchmarks over the course of a full-market cycle.
Portfolio Diversification
Suited for investors who want to diversify their existing portfolio with strategies that offer low correlation to a number of core asset classes held in most portfolios.